You are not alone...
Since our grief process is very personal and quite unique, the Bereavement Services of Richmond County Hospice, Inc. strive to help bereaved family members adjust to the death of a loved one. Richmond County Hospice, Inc. offers grief support services to a patients' family members for 13 months following their death. In addition, Bereavement services are available to any member of our community who has experienced the loss of a loved one.
“Grief never ends, but it changes. It’s a passage, not a place to stay. Grief is not a sign of weakness, nor a lack of faith. It’s the price of love.”
Bereavement Services include the following:
Individualized Bereavement visits to the home or at the offices of Richmond County Hospice, Inc.
Bereavement mailings and calls to aid in the healing process
Children's Grief Camp: "Camp Haven" - A one day camp for children, ages 5-12 years old
Remembrance services including the bi-annual Light of Life Memorial Celebrations in May and November,
and the Forever Tree Lighting Services during the Christmas Season
Support Groups are opened to all community members.
The bereavement coordinator conducts two grief support groups monthly for patient’s family members, their friends or any community member who has experienced a loss. Light refreshments are served and the groups provide grief support in a group setting.
1st Saturday of each month at 10am - at Hospice Haven in the living room.
“You don’t get over it, you get through it... It doesn’t get better, it gets different... Everyday, just like me, grief puts on a new face.”
Managing Your Grief...
Grief is a normal response of emotions, thoughts, and behaviors which follow the death of a loved one. There is no wrong way to grieve, unless it causes pain to yourself or others. Grief is very personal and has no time limit. Please don't let people tell you how you are supposed to feel. You will likely experience a wide range of emotions from shock and numbness to anger and extreme sadness.
“Grief is like the ocean. It comes in waves, ebbing and flowing. Sometimes the water is calm, and sometimes it is overwhelming. All we can do is learn to swim.”
Common Responses to grief include:
Feeling empty and numb
Physical symptoms such as nausea, trouble breathing, crying, confusion, lack of energy, dry mouth, and changes in eating and sleeping patterns
Anger at the situation, a person, or in general
Guilt about what you believe you did and/or did not do
Withdrawal from family and friends, and sometimes from common activities
Difficulty focusing, working, and making decisions
Questioning faith and beliefs to find purpose in life
Feeling a sense of presence from a deceased person, often indicated by "seeing" or "hearing" your loved one
Relief, because your role as a caregiver has ended, and/or because your loved one is no longer suffering
A few helpful tips for dealing with your grief include:
Talk about your loss
Forgive yourself for what you "should" have said or done
Eat well and exercise
Indulge yourself by reading, listening to music, or partaking in a fun activity
Prepare for the holidays and anniversaries
Pay attention to your grief
Don't be afraid to ask for help